85% of Brazil’s electricity comes from renewable sources.

Posted on 03 de Apr de 2023

85% of Brazil’s electricity comes from renewable sources.

Brazil can be proud of these numbers, but it has to invest in the progressive reduction of the use of fossil fuels in energy generation.

Considering that 80% of the CO₂ emitted in the world comes from the generation of energy by burning fossil fuels, even if we have a very small percentage it is still very harmful, and goes against the commitments signed internationally with the NET ZERO targets.

Today the Brazilian energy matrix is divided into: 51.3% hydroelectric, 12% wind, 11.5% solar, 8.2% gas, 7.8% biomass, 4% oil, 1.7% coal and 0.9 % nuclear.

WMF Energy generates carbon credits and clean energy generation projects for customers and partners, in order to reduce CO₂ emissions in a compensatory or substitutive way and thus preserve the future of the planet.

Learn more: www.wmfenergy.com

