International Women’s Day

Posted on 08 de Mar de 2023

International Women’s Day

On March 8, we celebrate International Women’s Day. It’s an important day to recognize women’s struggle throughout history and to reaffirm commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Gender equality is one of the major objectives outlined by the United Nations General Assembly’s Sustainable Development Plan. When women are empowered, they have greater control over their lives and can significantly contribute to economic, social and environmental development. Women’s empowerment is a matter of human rights, justice and equality.

WMF works to promote this right on a daily basis, as it understands that this virtue is one of the fundamental principles of a healthy and just society. Like the project developed in the Republic of Congo, where women’s empowerment was prioritized and promoted, where project workers receive more land to produce subsistence crops than men, thus combating years of inequality.

In summary, on this International Women’s Day, we must remember that gender equality is essential to achieving a sustainable future for all. We need to work together to ensure that all women and girls have the same opportunities and basic rights, and are valued and respected as individuals. Only in this way can we achieve a more just, egalitarian and sustainable world for all
