National Climate Change Awareness Day

Posted on 16 de Mar de 2023

National Climate Change Awareness Day

On March 16, the National Day of Awareness on Climate Change is celebrated with the aim of promoting humanity’s awareness of the importance of taking actions that can reduce the worsening impacts of climate change on the planet.

The increase in natural disasters and several other climate changes are already clear examples that the entire planet has seen as proof of the extremely important concern that we should all have with the subject. For if we continue at this pace of growth of global warming, humanity will not survive many decades.

It is crucial that all of us change our personal habits in our daily lives, reducing the waste of resources, such as, for example, high consumption of energy, fuel and natural resources such as drinking water itself, reducing the generation of waste and toxic dumps in nature.

Human beings have to be more aware of demanding greater commitment from authorities and companies in general from whom we purchase products. Only with a more aware and demanding society will we have greater commitment from government officials and managers who have not yet committed themselves to the NET ZERO concept, which means zero CO₂ emissions in their production processes through new production and energy generation technologies or in a compensatory way, that is, if it emits harmful CO2 to the planet in its production process, the environmental compensation must occur in some way to maintain a sustainable balance.

We at WMF have the objective of saving the planet, developing several internationally recognized projects of reforestation, forest management, and modern solutions for transforming waste into energy, generating clean and renewable energy, linked to social actions of balance and sustainability, the that generate millions in carbon credits to partners and investors.

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